打破 14nm 缺貨傳言 - Intel 表示 PC 需求超過預期,高階 Core i 處理器先行

- 軒仔 - 2019-09-27 - visibility Views

Intel 早在上年 Q3 已被爆出 14nm 製程產能不足,其後 Intel 亦承認了有關消息,亦指今年底前能夠完全解決 14nm 缺貨的問題。持續了一年至今,看來還沒有解決,而且最近流傳 14nm 再度供應短缺,使 Mobile 平台的 14nm Comet Lake 處理器生產受阻礙,有機會導致很多 Notebook 廠商的新一代產品將推遲至明年發佈。

對此傳聞,Intel 昨天也正式發表聲明作出回應:

“We continue working to improve the supply-demand balance for our PC customers. In the first half of 2019, we saw PC customer demand that exceeded our expectations and surpassed third-party forecasts. We have added 14nm output capacity and are ramping volume on 10nm with systems on shelf for holiday. While our output capacity is increasing, we remain in a challenging supply-demand environment in our PC-centric business. We are actively working to address this challenge, and we continue to prioritize available output toward the newest generation Intel® Core™ i5, i7 and i9 products that support our customers’ high-growth segments.”

大概講述了他們看到 PC 需求超出了預期,甚至也超出了第三方的預測。故他們增加了對 14nm 的產能輸出,併計劃將 10nm 產能也繼續提升。而他們將會優先供應最新一代高階系列,包括 Core i5、i7、i9 的處理器供應。


