因應成本持續上升 - ASUS 將於本年度開始調高零組件售價

- 軒仔 - 2021-01-06

稍早在 ASUS PC DIY Group 的 Facebook 專頁上,ASUS 的技術產品營銷經理 Juan Jose Guerrero III 刊發了一則帖文,指出 ASUS 將於 2021 年開始調高相關零組件的 MSRP。

內容指由於受到持續上升的零件成本、營運成本、物流成本與關稅因素,使 ASUS 不得不調漲相關產品的售價,ASUS 市場經理聲稱已與合作夥伴緊密合作,以盡量減少漲幅。

Juan Jose Guerrero III

10 小時 ·

Update regarding MSRP pricing for ASUS components in 2021.

This update applies to graphics cards and motherboards*

We have an announcement in regards to MSRP price changes that are effective in early 2021 for our award-winning series of graphic cards and motherboards. Our new MSRP reflects increases in cost for components. operating costs, and logistical activities plus a continuation of import tariffs. We worked closely with our supply and logistic partners to minimize price increases. ASUS greatly appreciates your continued business and support as we navigate through this time of unprecedented market change.

*additional models may see an increase as we moved further into Q1.

